5 Relaxing and calming yoga to do in bed for a good sleep

I have heard a lot of people complaining about not getting good sleep. They cannot fall asleep, even if they are physically exhausted, after a long day of work. They either feel discomfort in lying down or their minds are wandering. Yoga techniques help to relieve discomfort and bring calmness to the mind and so ensuring that you get a good night’s sleep and get up fresh in the morning. Today, we will talk about the five best asanas, which you should do before sleep. But remember, these asanas should be done, two hours after dinner. So remember to give a two-hour gap before dinner and bedtime. 

First – Vajrasana or any meditative pose

Vajrasana or any meditative pose will help improve blood circulation in the abdominal region. And thus, this will improve digestion. So after dinner sit in Vajrasana or any meditative pose for 5 to 10 minutes. This will ease all digestion-related problems, like acidity constipation gases, and help you sleep comfortably. It will also relieve lower back discomfort after a long tiring day of sitting at work. So let’s understand about Vajrayana. Sit in a kneeling position on your bed or mattress, your toes should touch each other and your heels apart. Now, lower your body and sit comfortably in that hollow form by your toes and heels, keep your body erect and your head, and neck are in the straight line. The abdominal should be kept in the normal contour, place your hands on your knee, with your palm facing downwards. Close your eyes observe your breath passively, and sit for around 5 to 10 minutes. People who cannot sit in Vajrasana can sit in any pose, sukhasana padmasana or vrasana. Any pose but the main thing is spine straight mind quiet & calm.

Second – Yashtikasana

Yashtikasana is an excellent technique that can give relaxation to the whole body, as well as the mind. Yashtikasana gives a wonderful stretch to the spine and releases the stiffness of the back. It facilitates maximum, stretch of your body providing relief from muscle tightness and discomfort, which usually prevents you from getting sleep. So for Yashtikasana, lie on your back in your bed with your legs fully extended feet together, hands on the side palm facing down. Raise both your hands above your head, stretching the whole body while breathing in fully, simultaneously, pull your toes downwards against the body as though the upper body is pulled upward andthe lower body pulled downwards, stomach will automatically get stretched in between maintain this stretched position for six seconds. Relax your hands & toes, not returning to the starting position, but retaining your hands above your head. Repeat the stretching of your hands upwards and toes downwards and do it 5 times. You can pause for 3 seconds in between each round if necessary.

Third one – Viparitkarni

Viparitkarni provides a wholesome effect of gravity. It benefits, various organs of your body above the waist including the vital endocrine glands, there are favorable changes and this is due to increased interchange of blood in the upper part of the body. It provides excellent stretch in your neck, torso, and legs, and also, relaxes the whole body. So, lie down on your back with your hands on the side. First, inhale fully and then start exhaling and lift your both legs with the support of your both palms. Hold your body with the hand at the back for support, and breathe normally while holding the pose. Stay in this for a few seconds, a maximum of two minutes all this depends on your comfort level. While inhaling gently lower your hips with the support of your hands, and then return to the starting position.

Fourth posture – Leg lift in Dhradhasana

We are sitting the whole day either at work or home due to which our lower body muscles get stiff. And then we start experiencing back pain knee pain as well as both feet and heel pain. Along with sitting in improper posture wrong Footwear or even an uncomfortable chair can aggravate this problem. Do this simple exercise lying in dhradhasana position to stretch the inner thigh muscle and relieve tension from the lake. This will also help you strengthen your muscles and joints.
Lie down in the Dhradhasana position on your right side. Lift your left leg one foot and hold for 10 counts. Now again, lift the leg, one foot still higher, and hold for 10 seconds. Similarly, you’re lifting your leg a little little higher, till it reaches the perpendicular position, and then bring your leg down gently. Now, repeat on the other side with the other leg and do this systematically it would work wonders. Simply lying in dhradhasana can help you experience a rest of a long, deep sleep in a short period, this can be practiced even during afternoon nap for good relaxation.

Fifth one – Supta Bhadrasana

Supta Bhadasana helps you to calm the mind as well as improve the blood flow to the lower body. This simple stretch provides intense stretch to the thigh muscle and relieves any discomfort. Lying down with your legs stretched out, bend both your legs inwards at the knee and then join the sole of the feet, with your hands pressing the knees downwards, towards your bed. Once in this position, interlock your fingers and put your hands on the stomach and here you can continue practicing normal breathing. After completing all these actions then lie down and shavasan and relax every part of your body, this will release physical or mental fatigue. Shavasana induces the meditative effect, it invigorates the entire body and mind ensuring you to get up fresh and energetic. Once in Shavasana, you have completed relaxing the entire body from toe upwards and from up downwards, then stay in this position for 10 minutes. Now, after this shavasana, then lie down on the left side and sleep. All these yoga poses along with deep conscious breathing will automatically help to calm the thought and let go of tension and stress. So, practice these five wonderful asanas get a good sound sleep, and feel energetic, enthusiastic, and positive in the morning.